The kind who likes this guy:

He's going to be in two new movies: Yes Man, and He's Just Not That Into You.
Check out those eyes...yum.
What's that Bradley, it's time for my bath?

The infamous, and much copied, cupcake pops:
These are going to have to be my next project..Oreo truffles! These are her valentine kisses:
And all the fame hasn't even gone to her head! Here's her survey:
Question #1: What made you decide to start blogging?
I wanted somewhere to keep track of my baking as I learn.
Question #2: Describe your perfect Sunday.
Today, I would say, waking up and then laying back down for a long nap.
Question #3: What's your favorite cupcake?
Any as long as they are really moist.
Question #4: What's the best book you've read this year?
Hello, Cupcake!
Question #5: Who is your 'weird celebrity crush?'
Robert Downey, Jr.
(Not so weird..he's kinda hunky. I guess there was that whole addiction thing....which is sadly not weird in Hollywood anymore)
So there's your very first Sunday Shoutout! I hope everyone liked it. If you have any burning questions to add to the survey, please let me know. (I'm personally a fan of the celebrity crush question. It's slightly gossip gathering, don'tcha think?)
Thanks again to Bakerella for humoring me and my tiny blog!