Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Fickle Heart.

I have a new celebrity crush. What does that make, like 10?!? What kind of crazed, man-oogling spinster have I become??
The kind who likes this guy:He's Bradley Cooper, in case you didn't know, and he's been under my radar. But apparently in tons of movies. He was the jerk boyfriend in Wedding Crashers, I guess he was in Iron Man, which I didn't see (but might just have to pick up now..) and he was also on Alias back in the day.
He's going to be in two new movies: Yes Man, and He's Just Not That Into You.
Check out those eyes...yum.

What's that Bradley, it's time for my bath?

Gotta run....Ciao for now.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Of advice. Pervs.

There are two things weighing on my mind right about now. Help.

1. My office Christmas party is coming up. Should I go alone, or bring a date? And where will I find this date? Anyone have any single friends who would be fun at a party, look good in a jacket and tie, and aren't going to try to grope me after free martinis at the open bar?

2. I am thinking of signing up for the Avon Walk for the Cure. I am terrified of it. Training starts after the holidays, and you have to raise $1800. Oh, and walk two days and something like 30 miles. I know!!!! 30. three-zero. But I feel like it would really help me get in shape, and make me feel like I really did something good. I can't do it alone. Who's with me?!?!

Okay, please shape my life, as I am incapable of making my own decisions.


It is truely shocking that I have left you all for an entire month without my particular brand of wit!
What. a. jerk.

So let's catch up. Since we last talked, I've been hitting the town with my new partner in crime, Kelly. She's really the only other single girl I know, so we find ourselves out and about quite a bit.

What else? I cheered myself hoarse over our new president. I am so proud of our country I could just about pee. However, I did lose a friend over it. At about the 5th email I got from her detailing what a poor choice it was, and how he wasn't her president, and how we would all be sorry when we had to wear socialist uniforms every day...I told her that she had made her point, and could we move on? She was offended. But I suppose I don't really need a lot of friends who can't have a two way conversation about touchy subjects.
I met two boys whom I hoped might be fun to get to know, and both let me down by being typical boys. For all of you who urged me to date men my own age or isn't impressing me much. At least when they are 23, I expect a little idiocy.
Ahh, I learned a new term "Cougar Cub." This is where you are an older woman, but not yet 35, and are hot enough to potentially date much younger men. Fun, huh? I'm told I don't qualify until at least 29, but hey, something to look forward to.
Okay, I admit to having saved my most recent excitement for last....I won something!!!
I left a comment on pioneer woman's blog, and won a Kitchenaid mixer! I got confirmation today that it will be on it's way, and guess what?!?!?! It's PINK! Chosen because I dig pink, and because the sale of all the pink ones benefits breast cancer research.
I will take it's picture when I get it. Yeah!!! What should I make first?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Feel Your Boobies!!

Ladies, (and Gents for that matter)
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I'm sure you have all realized this by now, and hopefully some of you are wearing ribbons, buying products that fund raise for the cure, and feeling yourselves up on a regular basis.
I thought I would chime in with a few more suggestions.
Have you heard of Army of Women?
Army of is a website attempting to sign up 1 million women for studies about breast health. See, in the past, all studies have been conducted on women who are already sick. And while that gives rise to amazing treatment options and possibilities for cure research, it doesn't help us learn about how to prevent breast cancer.
A lot of the studies are held in major cities, but some have mail in kits, so you can get all the materials in the mail and send it in. I signed up, and now get an email when a study comes up that I qualify for.
Props to Starla for bringing it to my attention.
Also, There are untold number of events going on this month. Bake sales, marathons, fundraising parties. Get involved with one of those...make some boobies know I would.

I am taking this year as a time to find out about these things, and to get ready and train for next year. My mom and I will be walking in the Relay for Life this year, if everything goes well, and we'd love more team mates. Also, I am thinking next year of walking the Komen for the Cure walk, which is 3 days, and 60 miles. I will need all of your love, support, and fundraising help.

This cause suddenly means a lot to me, for obvious reasons. While my mom may have had to give up her boobs for her health, I don't intend to follow her down that path. Take care of your health, ask your insurance if they cover testing for the breast cancer gene. Find out if you are having the best breast exams for your tissue type. Pay attention to your risk factors, and be an advocate for your own safety.
There are only 15 days left in October. What can you accomplish?

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Okay, it seems like registration is a theme in my life right now. I am trying to get my students to register for classes, I even messed up my checking account because I wasn't doing a good job keeping my register...okay, that's a stretch. But I'm trying to get into what I really want to say and that's......
Register to Vote!!!

Seriously, it's a big deal. I know that there are always things said about registering, and maybe you don't want to vote because you think it won't help. Maybe you're planning to vote but you haven't registered because you just moved..etc, etc.
Deadline to register is

How do I register, you might say...well here you go:

It's a link. Click it. You can always come back here, but do it while you're thinking of it. Do you know someone else you can harass into registering? Send it to them. Or to the 1000 other websites trying to register peeps right now.
And I know, maybe we don't share a common outlook on politics..and I'm okay with that. I just think that everyone should learn about their candidate, and take voting as serious as possible. Because not to sound condescending, but isn't the fate of our health care system important? If not now, how will you feel about it when you can't buy your medicine at 80? And what about your children's chances to own a home or go to college? Big stuff.
So I'd better hear that you are all registered. And voting...intelligently.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Relationship Jewelry.

Do you have any old jewelry from an old relationship that you just can't bear to part with? You don't wear it, it just sits there in the bottom of your jewelry box, staring at you. Making you wonder what you're so damn sentimental about. Making you superstitious to wear it in case it is infected with bad relationship juice. Okay..maybe too far.

But here's the deal. I have this bracelet from my ex. It's really pretty, white gold and tanzanite. I love love loved it when he gave it to me. I wore it all the time. Good memories. Because I wore it all the time, he used to yell at me when it poked or scratched him in bed. Bad memories.

Yet I still have the thing. It's the last thing he gave me that I still own. Well, almost, but his fraternity letters remind me of college, and my friends, not really of him. What a jerk I am.
I wore it today. The bracelet, not the frat letters. I made the bold move to spit in the face of my superstitious nonsense and wore it. And I was all sentimental about it for an hour. I kept looking at how delicate and pretty it is. I remembered how happy I was when he gave it to me.

Then I started typing, and it started digging into my arm and being annoying. So I remembered how our relationship did that...look pretty, and then start digging in.

Now, it's the end of the day, and I'm totally over it. It's hurting me, I feel confined by it, and I can't wait to get it off. Funny how symbolic it is of the entire relationship.

So I decided to pawn it. How heartless is that? But at this moment, I don't ever want to wear it again. And what, I'm going to save it for the children I have with another man? I think not.
Nope, this bracelet is at least 1/3 of my new fantastic big girl bed. And when I sleep on it, I'll think of how far I've come.
It'll be the best thing he ever gave me.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The list

I started a post about how I'm currently wallowing in self pity..I actually got pretty far. But I'm terrible at wallowing. I simply cannot be negative for longer than an hour. I can start out feeling really sorry for myself, and without even trying, it turns itself into a resolve to do what it takes to make myself not feel this way.
Right now, that means telling all of you what is fantastic in my life.
1. My job is great. It's not easy, but I work with a group of good people, and one of my co-workers makes me struggle not to pee my pants laughing at least once per day.
2. I just got a fantastic new apartment! It's got a nice big bedroom, it's in a great area of the city, and my new roommate seems pretty great. And she's got a sweet cat, so I get someone to snuggle!
3. I'm finally in a place where there are things to do. If I want to go to a movie, I can just go. If I want to go out for a drink, woo hoo. If I want ice cream at 11 pm, chances are good that I can do that too.
4. I just joined a gym. I'm intimidated/excited about it. I have a personal trainer! How cool is that?
5. My best friends are just that. The best! I could not have revamped my life without them. They are always here for me, and each of them knows what to do in my different times of need. Thanks to Sarah W for kicking my ass last night. I needed a little tough love.

So I've got a lot going for me. Stay tuned for "The List" part 2, where I will detail all the things that I'm looking for in Mr. Perfect. Based not only on my own experience, but on the general discussion of stupid boy things going on in my office.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Gold Medal in Nerdyness

So I've become an Olympics Nerd. How can you not? Besides the fact that I've been staying up way too late to watch. The gymnasts are fantastic. I'm facinated by men's gymnastics. And not just because they have rockin bodies either. Their routines are out of control!
I do think though, that this guy gets the overall badass award for the entire summer games.
If you don't know who that is, you've obviously been living under a rock. So he keeps blowing world records away by entire body lengths! My fave moment of the whole week was during a qualifier for some race or other, and Phelps finishes first with enough time to turn around, stand up, and grin while the other dudes finish. BADASS!
One thing...this guy's hotter.
Just Sayin.
If you need me, I'll be glued to the TV.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


That's my city. It's beautiful. I moved here thinking I'd regularly view sunsets over the buildings, that I'd be near the water all the time, that I'd be Mary Tyler Moore.
This is not the way it's working out. My job is still fantastic. I'm settling in and everyone is very nice. My students are limiting themselves to easy questions for now, and I'm gearing up for the huge trial by fire that is the fall semester.
But I can't find an apartment. To be fair, I haven't been looking too long, but I'm already discouraged. I cannot afford to live alone. I wish I could. Imagine all the space! All to myself!
I seem to be the only normal, well adjusted human being under the age of 40 in this city. Is it too much to ask for these qualities in a roommate?
  • No smoking weed. Okay, if your college buddy is here from L.A, and you guys are out at a concert and 'Dude, it's cool man' then whatever. But I am not "420 Friendly." Pot and I have never been friends. I just don't want my living room to be one continuous loop of the basement of "That 70's Show"
  • Does not have a problem with 'the man.' I work for the man. He pays my bills. Someone has to. I don't see you making a ton of money with your vegan, non-profit, holistic, free-trade yarn spinning business. Just sayin.
  • Watches TV. Or at the very least does not think it's unacceptable for me to do so. It's Grey's Anatomy. Of course it's rotting my brain. So is my job. Lay off.
  • Lives in an apartment with a common area. Like Sarah W said, "What if you bring a date home? Do you just go immediately to the bedroom?" Lesson here? Not watching TV leads to casual sex.
  • Eats meat. I know, lots of people are vegetarians, and that's fine, but when it gets to the point that you have to own your own pots and pans because flesh shall not touch anything that touches your pristine free trade, organic, hand picked, farmers market veggies....Get over yourself.
  • Apartment does not require me to get raped, mugged and murdered trying to catch a bus home. I mean, is it too much to ask for homegirl to spend an entire 5 minutes not feeling like she should be toting 7 knives and a gallon of mase?
  • Costs less than $800 per month. What is the world coming to when half your monthly paycheck is taken up by the rent in your skeevy apartment that share with granola hippies who don't watch TV and are always high, and you barely make rent because you are getting mugged every week on the way home?
So am I too high maintenance here? I work with a large group of very respectable young women. I know they exist. Or dudes for that matter. I don't care. Where are the normal people? I'm starting a support group for all of us well adjusted kids floating in a sea of veggie eating, smelly granola hippies.
Call me naive, but I didn't think it would be this bad. Mary Tyler Moore did it....

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What happens in San Francisco.....

....ends up all over my blog.
Fez and his friends were up visiting the bay area this week. They toured all the scary parts, and are now solidly afraid of San Francisco.
We started out on Sunday in Napa, drinking wine and being silly. Went tasting at a few places, then ended up at a place that had a picnic area, playing 'two truths and a lie' and learning way too much about each other. Here's some evidence:
I was pretty thirsty.
Story time with Uncle Alex.

Fez know's all about wine snobbery.

That's Corby's sexy face. No, really.

Here's a series of shots Corby took to advertise that A. The place we were at was pretty fun. and B. Corby is pretty cool.

Grr , Baby, very Grr. Then on Monday, they kidnapped me from work. Actually, Fez just made me think there was a matter of great urgency, so I'm briskly walking down Market to find out that they are just done hanging out at the mall. Poops.
We were catching a bus to the Mission, to have burritos, margaritas and a good time. The plan was to then ride the bart home at about 11.
The fun all started with the bus ride. Some crazy lady hit Fez with a folder and then they started arguing. She was threatening to kill him and everyone on the bus was ready for us to get out. When we got to our stop, this guy in the front goes. "This is your stop kids. You ain't got to go home, but you gotta get the hell offa here." Ridiculous.
So we go eat dinner, drink too many beers and go to a bar. I think this is a fantastic idea...but I was already feeling good.
We went to a great bar. It had video screens at the bar, great music and a fun dance floor. I only came away with a few pics, because I was very busy dancing, smoking a cigarette that I didn't need or want, and flirting with Fez. Here's two.
A cute pic of the boys.
Again, totally parched.
Rest of the week was mellow. Fez and I were both so wiped out after our big monday night that we didn't hang out Tuesday. I just tried to catch up my sleep. Wednesday we stayed in the city and forgot to sleep, since we were busy watching that 'Sarah Marshall' movie and talking about everything.
Fez went home Thursday, and I was bummed. I hadn't seen him in 3 years, and here comes another 6 months or so that we can't hang out. I don't think the world can handle us both in one place. Our wonderfulness just has to be spread around.
This coming week:
-The baby's 1st birthday. Go Cake!
-My gramma's 86th birthday. Go Gram!
-Happy hour with the girls. Go me!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bat-Men are pigs.

So I just found out that Batman was arrested for beating his mom and sister in Wales. What the french, toast? I would like to reserve the right to use this example for later emphasis about pretty boys being awful. Just sayin.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mrs. Batman.

So I went to see Dark Knight last night. First of all, the movie is really good. Yeah, it was hyped a lot..but it's not too full of things being blown up..though they are there, and it's got some great lines. It had me cracked up and creeped out at the same time.

Also, You should know that I'm in love with Christian Bale. Shockingly, I never really bothered with him before. Perhaps it's his penchant for strange roles (American Psycho) or his previous shaggy facial hair.

But there's something about a man in a superhero role. It's that rebel with a cause thing. It's bad boy and good boy all mixed together. It's like finding out your nerdy neighbor who works as a computer programmer is a secret weight trainer with tatoos. Hot.

I draw your attention to the Batman lips.
Every dude who has been batman has a lovely mouth. And it's all a similar mouth type. Those casting guys are clever.

This guy was also amazing. I loved the creepo factor that he brought into it. The Joker is so not cartoony in this movie. He's like some crazy dude that lurks in the city...he could totally get you. Scary. Seriously, he does this licking his lips thing that disturbed me on a level I cannot even name. Heath Ledger- best role ever.

Enough about scary...I'll leave you with some eye candy.Here he is running down the steps of our newlywed home.

He's so smirky. I love it.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Birthday Blogging

So there are a few more than sixteen candles on my cake today. But so far, so good for turning 28. It feels good....28 could be the new 23...guess we'll have to see.

So as much fun as I'm bound to have today, I'll never top last year. On my birthday, I spent all day wandering Rome, eating Gelato and gazing at fountains. That night we drank too much wine, ate pasta and flirted with waiters.
When I got home the next day, I was greeted with this:

What happens when boys have speedos and too much time on their hands? They devise 'happy brithday' strip shows, that's what! Check out those tan lines!!
So this year, I ate a yummy cookie, am going to do a little shopping, and hopefully relax.
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Shoutout #2: Uncommon Goods

Holy Canoli!! It's Sunday. And I'm posting a shoutout. Can you believe it?? Neither can I. Starla's dad is here for the weekend, so other than messing with the sleeping arrangements, it is allowing me a good amount of time by myself to collect my thoughts. Right now they are off at a Sake factory, taking a tour.
So Uncommon Goods. It's a super fun online store I found about a year ago. They have really unique gifts for just about anyone you can think of. Certainly stuff you aren't going to find anywhere else. You can search the site by event that the gift is for, such as a wedding, or who it's for, such as 'For Him.' Or, you can look through the entire website and increase your wish list. Here are a few of my favorite things:

And don't worry..I've linked each thing for you if you suddenly feel the urge to buy one. But I saved the best for last...the kid stuff is so fantastic that it makes me want to have one just so I could buy it this stuff!!! Here you go, get your 'awww' s ready.Happy shopping! (Or wishing..that's just as fun!)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Boys are weaksauce.

I just got off the morning train ride into the city. It isn't one of my favorite parts of the day. No matter what the temp outside, the train is sweltering with body heat. Why bother ironing, I promise that you'll just get off BART with the wrinkles steamed right back in. This time, with stinky people heat..good luck getting that out.
Anyway, I was sitting near two guys and was of course, eavesdropping. I originally started to listen in because one guy was cute. He had a whole Matt Damon thing going on. He wasn't spectacular until he smiled...and then come the dimples. Anyway, I noticed they were talking about relationships.
Matt was counseling his roommate on what is going on in that guy's life with his girlfriend. Guy # 2 was all angsty because his girlfriend told him she wanted to see other people. He wasn't the best looking dude...kinda nerdy in a sweet way. His mommy probably still washes his underpants. That kinda guy.
So Guy 2 tells Matt that girlfriend tells him she wants to date other people..and he says "Well, go ahead, there's nothing I can do about it. " And then girlfriend got mad at him.
First of all..have a spine. There is something you can do. Tell her no. Tell her that you're such good stuff that you won't wait around. If she wants to date other Tell her you will too. And then it comes out that they haven't even been dating long.
Then he goes "I don't have any power. I don't want any really, but I don't want her to just use me like this."
OMG. I felt like I was listening in on some teenage girl. But it gets better. Cute, Matt Damon guy says "Dude, I don't have any power in my relationship. She's way too emotionally unstable for me to take any control."
What is the world coming to when boys who look like movie stars are dating girls with emotional issues?!? Because they have to or something.
Boys these days need a kick in the pants. Don't they get it that nice boys are valuable these days? I don't even like overconfident boys. Give me a nice, Matt Damon boy any day.
So, just before we get off the train, Matt looks at Guy 2 and asks "Are you seeing her this weekend?" and Dude says..."yeah."

Thursday, June 26, 2008

This work stuff is hard.

No..not really. Yet.
My new job is fantastic, and I'm learning a lot already. Today was day 2. I have tons to learn, but I'm really loving it all. I'm geeking out on the policies and even wanted to bring homework home, but it's not encouraged. Which is rad, because it's the easiest way to avoid burnout.
So I'm sorry there hasn't been my usual amount of fun stuffs...but I promise a good Sunday Shoutout of a place I like to shop. Look for it Sunday night.
Also...maybe Monday you'll get pics of my day at the Gay Pride festival in San Francisco this weekend. I hear there's all manner of silliness going on, and that there's tons of great food.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The seed of a blog...

Picture this:
Three beautiful women. stranded for 3 months on a tropical island full of gorgeous Marines...Sounds great, right? That was my life during the summer of '04. I lived and worked on the gorgeous island of Okinawa, being a camp counselor for the military children on base.
That was where I met the love of my life...Patty. She and Megs and I were pretty inseparable the entire summer. We worked all week, played hard on the weekends, and broke as many hearts as we could.
In Patty's case..that was many. That girl has some high standards for men..and you can bet that Marines who haven't talked to a girl in months aren't going to do a good job of meeting those requirements. Poor things. It was like a bug zapper. Some confident young thing would come sauntering over (whoo, that's a good word!) and offer to buy Patty a drink...she'd let him, mostly because we'd yell at her if she turned down a free drink from a hot boy. But then the poor sucker would hang himself with his own rope. He's touch her. That's all it took...our Patty is fiercely protective of her own self, and she was not having this overly familiar touching.
She's level a look at him and say (very calmly) "Why are you touching me?" You can guess that this had the effect of a bucket of ice water on the confidence of the poor boy..and he'd slink off to lick his wounds. Don't get me wrong, she isn't a meanie..she just expects a higher level of courtesy and respect than most girls our age...and it throws the poor boys for a loop.
Anyway...our usual schedule on a weekend was to have dinner in our room Friday night. We all took showers, powdered, lotioned and poofed our hair. This takes Patty a lot longer than the rest of us. We'd head down to the Banyan Tree, which was the enlisted club on base. We called it the Bangin' Tree...and we still think that's super funny. We'd dance all night, usually with the group of Texas boys we met, and sometimes head to all night bowling after. We'd pour ourselves in bed around sunrise, only to crawl back out around noon the next day.
Saturday was 'Gate 2' night. The street just outside the base gate 2 was notorious...for all the reasons you can expect in a tropical island full of young men. We got gorgeous and wandered our way from bar to bar..having a great time, and again pouring ourselves into bed at sunrise. Sunday, around noon, my bedside phone would ring and Patty would say "Champagne brunch." We'd make ourselves barely presentable and head to the officers club, where nothing fun ever happened except champagne brunch. We'd drink, eat too much, and wander home around 2.
This is where the story is going folks. To Sunday afternoon. We'd pick someones room and lay across the beds, chatting, watching Top Gun for the 57th time, and whining about how the weekend was over. It was on one of these occasions that I said..."You guys...Sundays are just shorter days."
Even as I said it, I knew it was the gospel truth. No matter how great your job is, or how well spent the'll always hit Sunday night with a touch of regret. Think of the items yet uncrossed off the to-do list. Think of the parties you went to..and the ones you skipped. So now...I expect it. I'm ready for the Sunday lull. I turn and face it with a fly swatter in one hand and a margarita in the other. Bring it on Sunday...I'm already planning the next weekend!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Career Woman!

It's official. I've been sitting on this news for like a week.
I am the new Student Affairs Advocate for the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Can you believe it!?!?!
I had such a great interview there on Thursday, and got the unofficial job offer that very day. But you know me, I'm such a superstitious kid that I didn't want to tell a bunch of people until it really happened! If you were among the told, it was likely that I couldn't get away with keeping it from you. Like my mom..there's no lying to Mom. And Patty asked me so many questions about the interview that I would have had to be an expert at surviving pants fires to keep it from her.
I'm sorry to say this means that I will no longer be in the Sarah Parkerson book club. She's going to be pissed. She'll have to carry the discussions herself. Myself, her cousin Amy, and Sarah are the only big talkers in the group. The other ladies will chime in, but they aren't topic starters.
So now I've got many more things to work out..such as--
What will I wear to work?!?!?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Sunday's are longer days

No post this Sunday for 2 reasons:
1. I was working a temp conference this weekend. I registered doctors for symposiums. Sounds great, eh? It actually wasn't bad. I met a group of people from Montreal that were super nice. I swear..those guys should give lessons to the American guys. My chair was pulled out for me, my hands were warmed when I was freezing..and there was not a thing creepy or pick-up-ish about it. It was nice to interact with boys again. lol. It's been a while since I've been able to flirt, even innocently.
But Sunday I was at the convention center from 5:45 am until 5 pm. So no post.

2. I don't think the Shout out is going to work. I sent emails to peeps I liked, and wanted to shout out..and only Bakerella sent it back. I officially have no interview material for you. Perhaps I'll have to give up my dream of knowing who everyone's weird celebrity crush is. It may become a bit more week I'll just review one of my favorite online shopping destinations. Hmm...

Hope everyone's weekend was great!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I knew I needed to bake some cupcakes, since I had been slacking on posting any kind of yummies on my blog.
So I got this great idea from Hello, Cupcake. They have sharks that are made of Twinkies, bursting out of oceany cupcakes. I got to thinking...what else can you make from Twinkies. The answer was whales, hippos and airplanes.

I also tried fish, with Necco wafer scales..but it didn't work out to my liking.
For the whales, I used sticks of gum to make the spouts.

Don't they have the sweetest faces?

The airplanes were a ton of work. They have Mike and Ike propellers and chocolate bar wings...but I failed to think of the the wings fell off shortly after taking the photos. But they really look so cute that I'm going to have to come up with some other solution.

Close up:

And then there were the hippos. I had the best intentions. I gave them m&m eyes, Tic Tac teeth, and little piped purple ears.

It reminds me of these guys:
This dude was cute though:

So now, I am going to eat one. After I have lunch of course! (Maybe) Check back later in the week for the story of how my blog got it's name. For now, here's the cutest thing you'll ever eat in your life:

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday Shoutout: Bakerella!

Alright, so it's Sunday night...but it's still Sunday. I know you've all been wondering if I was going to put up or shut up this Sunday, and finally do a Shoutout. Well, to tell you the truth..I almost shut up... it is 9:30 already.

Funny thing is, I almost wrote this post ahead of time and just set it to post this morning. But I was all idealistic about it, arguing with myself that you all deserved a fresh from the brain Sunday post. Hmm, that will teach me to be uppity.

I happen to think I have a legit excuse this time for my distraction....but I'll tell you later.

Now...on to my shoutout!

I have been reading Bakerella's fantastic blog for a while now. She has the best ideas! She's become rather famous lately, having been on the Martha Stewart show during cupcake week. Also, everyone else must be obsessively checking her blog because if I happen to stop over at any of the other cupcake related sites that I read before looking at hers...there it is: a big fat spoiler!

I'm probably the least fancy blog to ever feature her. But that didn't stop her from being super nice and filling out my silly survey!

Anyways, I totally got the inspiration for my hostess cupcakes from her, and she's fantastic. I'd for sure invite her to a cocktail party. Perhaps she'd like to come over and join in this summer's fun plan with Starla and I. We can be found in lawn chairs in her parking lot/backyard area sticking our feet in the kiddie pool while drinking daiquiris. Classy.

Here are some pics of her darling projects this year, followed by the previously mentioned quick-question interview. Go by and check her out. Bakerella. She's inspiring.

Adorable reindeer cupcakes:

Snowmen (actually, Snow-people...) that are way to cute for eating!

The infamous, and much copied, cupcake pops:

These are going to have to be my next project..Oreo truffles! These are her valentine kisses:

And all the fame hasn't even gone to her head! Here's her survey:

Question #1: What made you decide to start blogging?

I wanted somewhere to keep track of my baking as I learn.

Question #2: Describe your perfect Sunday.

Today, I would say, waking up and then laying back down for a long nap.

Question #3: What's your favorite cupcake?

Any as long as they are really moist.

Question #4: What's the best book you've read this year?

Hello, Cupcake!

Question #5: Who is your 'weird celebrity crush?'

Robert Downey, Jr.

(Not so weird..he's kinda hunky. I guess there was that whole addiction thing....which is sadly not weird in Hollywood anymore)

So there's your very first Sunday Shoutout! I hope everyone liked it. If you have any burning questions to add to the survey, please let me know. (I'm personally a fan of the celebrity crush question. It's slightly gossip gathering, don'tcha think?)

Thanks again to Bakerella for humoring me and my tiny blog!