Alright, so it's Sunday night...but it's still Sunday. I know you've all been wondering if I was going to put up or shut up this Sunday, and finally do a Shoutout. Well, to tell you the truth..I almost shut up... it is 9:30 already.
Funny thing is, I almost wrote this post ahead of time and just set it to post this morning. But I was all idealistic about it, arguing with myself that you all deserved a fresh from the brain Sunday post. Hmm, that will teach me to be uppity.
I happen to think I have a legit excuse this time for my distraction....but I'll tell you later.
Now...on to my shoutout!
I have been reading
Bakerella's fantastic blog for a while now. She has the best ideas! She's become rather famous lately, having been on the Martha Stewart show during cupcake week. Also, everyone else must be obsessively checking her blog because if I happen to stop over at any of the other cupcake related sites that I read before looking at hers...there it is: a big fat spoiler!
I'm probably the least fancy blog to ever feature her. But that didn't stop her from being super nice and filling out my silly survey!
Anyways, I totally got the inspiration for my hostess cupcakes from her, and she's fantastic. I'd for sure invite her to a cocktail party. Perhaps she'd like to come over and join in this summer's fun plan with Starla and I. We can be found in lawn chairs in her parking lot/backyard area sticking our feet in the kiddie pool while drinking daiquiris. Classy.
Here are some pics of her darling projects this year, followed by the previously mentioned quick-question interview. Go by and check her out.
Bakerella. She's inspiring.
Adorable reindeer cupcakes:
Snowmen (actually, Snow-people...) that are way to cute for eating!

The infamous, and much copied, cupcake pops:

These are going to have to be my next project..Oreo truffles! These are her valentine kisses:

And all the fame hasn't even gone to her head! Here's her survey:
Question #1: What made you decide to start blogging?
I wanted somewhere to keep track of my baking as I learn.
Question #2: Describe your perfect Sunday.
Today, I would say, waking up and then laying back down for a long nap.
Question #3: What's your favorite cupcake?
Any as long as they are really moist.
Question #4: What's the best book you've read this year?
Hello, Cupcake!
Question #5: Who is your 'weird celebrity crush?'
Robert Downey, Jr.

(Not so weird..he's kinda hunky. I guess there was that whole addiction thing....which is sadly not weird in Hollywood anymore)
So there's your very first Sunday Shoutout! I hope everyone liked it. If you have any burning questions to add to the survey, please let me know. (I'm personally a fan of the celebrity crush question. It's slightly gossip gathering, don'tcha think?)
Thanks again to Bakerella for humoring me and my tiny blog!
Hmmmm. I wonder what they said. Anyway, thanks so much for the shoutout. You're sweet! And such a cute pic of Robert, too!
Oh and save me a lawn chair.
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