Monday, April 21, 2008

Cupcakes and Cupcake

Book club was lovely last night. We ate my adorable but tedious cupcakes on a stick, and discussed the book for April, which was:

I actually really liked it, and we had a great discussion about it. I do need to learn to shut up though. I think Amy and I chatted the whole time, and it's so hard to get around us. Next month will be better, since I'll shut up, and hopefully more people who talk will have read the book.

I set myself up though..everyone is expecting some kind of themed treat now. I'll have to stress myself out over it for no real reason..when in fact they wouldn't care if I bought something at Safeway..and anyways I don't even think it's my week for food. Not that any of those things has the actual power to save me from myself.

I recommended 'Gone, Baby, Gone.' which is a fantastic new movie. Ties in with some of the themes we discussed last night. And all of you non book clubbers should watch it too!

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